The Rotary Club of Windsor-St. Clair is excited to initiate three local major service projects in partnership with several organizations.
“Last February, our club held an open house to celebrate our past achievements and to identify new potential partners and projects,” explains Chris Woodrow, Club President. “As a result, we generated nearly twenty new opportunities for service. These ideas were evaluated based on our mission to ensure a balanced suite of programming with emphasis on helping the less fortunate of all ages whose needs are not met through government programs or other charities.”
The first project will support the first Windsor Residence for Young Men in establishing a dedicated residential facility for homeless men aged 16-20 years. Programs offered at the facility will include basic living skills, money management, job search and mentoring to retain jobs.
Greg Goulin, President of the Residence, is grateful for the donation. “On behalf of the Board of Directors, we are extremely pleased for the support from Rotary Windsor-St. Clair. This funding will make possible not only wholesome residential facilities for homeless young men in our region, but will also make it possible for us to share our counselling and classroom services with other agencies, which is of great benefit to our community as a whole.”
The club will also assist the Project Smile initiative of the Windsor-Essex County Dental Hygienists Society, which is a group of volunteer hygienists and dentists who offer free assessment, dental education and dentures for the working poor who have no access to government or employer benefits.
In total, the funding committed toward these projects is approximately $18,000. “Activities like our Nijola Memorial Golf Tournament, our bingo sessions and our Rotary TV Auction are the fundraisers which allow us to carry out these types of important service projects,” Woodrow concludes. The club is currently in discussions with other groups about additional service projects.